Caroles Doll Doings Blog

Caroles Doll Doings Blog
Carole is the creator of the Apple Head Art Dolls and a pioneer in the art doll world.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hello I'm Carole Beausoleil! I'd like to discuss Recycling for your dolls and how it has helped me over the years.

Let's face it, money doesn't grow on trees. Making dolls can be a pretty penny depending on the path you take. Or does it?

Here's some tips I use and I think you'll find them very helpful.

First of all, "One man's trash is another Dollmakers treasure."  So take advantage of your local flea markets, garage sales, bizarre's. You'll be surprised what you can find for very little money. And it'll help bring your next doll to life.

I also go to my local shops and buy old ceramic dolls. Their eyes are beautiful and their hair is pristine. I break open the dolls head and use her gorgeous eyes and of course I use her hair for my new doll. And it cost me around 5 dollars. That's it!

Purchasing eye's alone can cost 6+ dollars for just one pair. So if you think in terms of recycling whats around you, dollmaking will not just be fun but very affordable.

Hope this helps your dollmaking adventure more enjoyable.



  1. Greetings to all those Art Doll Artists & Designers and Potential Customers who are Interested in purchasing my Newly Revised E Booklet to Carve Apples & Pears into "Humanoid Faces"...I have Created Short cut Methods for Carving...Drying...Preserving & Constructing the Old Art Form of Folk Art Apple Head Dolls into a New Art Form...Stay tuned for my New Recycled Apple Head Dolls along with other Medias in the Art of Doll Makings! I would like to thasnk my Host,Annie Lee who made this Website called Carole's Doll Doings possible!

  2. Order Carole's Doll Doings Products!
